Merriam Webster definition: adj. “occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations”
How many times in recent weeks have you yelled that out loud, or felt like it? Are you sick and tired of this pandemic and the countless ways it’s restricting your ‘normal’ life?
Enough of the daily reports of new cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
Enough of the ever-changing restrictions, rules and requirements.
Enough of trying to weigh the facts to decide how to move forward into a new season.
Enough of the political warfare and perpetual mudslinging that tars our nations and accomplishes nothing but division.
Enough of the venomous vomit on social media.
Enough of the violence and senseless shootings.
Enough of the lethargy and fatigue – symptoms of a world riddled with disease.
When is enough, enough?
It’s all too easy to grow numb and lose hope when we look at the chaos around us. This season of overwhelm isn’t relenting, neither is the temptation to feel impotent. What CAN we do about it?
For me, it’s actually comforting to know the answer doesn’t lie within me. It lies beyond me, in the One Who sits enthroned on high, Who is able to do abundantly more than we could think, ask or imagine. The answer lies in admitting our limitations and acknowledging our dependence on God Almighty, Who is not put off by chaos and confusion but is moving and working in spite of the brokenness within us and around us.
In the summer I came across a (not so) new song that describes the nature and workings of God. It’s called Way Maker Leeland and among other things, it declares that God is a Miracle Worker, a Promise Keeper, and the Light in the Darkness. These are bold names for God, the truth of which you may question in trying times. If you’re perplexed and wondering what to do, may I encourage you to direct your questions to the One Who can handle your fist-shaking and foot-stomping; the One Who is not put off by your brutal honesty. If you’re in a season of doubt, can I urge you to seek the guidance of a wise and trusted confidant? If you’re able, I implore you to put your trust in the goodness of God. Dare to believe God is working in you, through you and in spite of you. It is not up to us to figure our way out of pandemics, political debacles or social quagmire. It is ours to do the next right thing in love.
What might your next right thing be? Might it start with declaring by faith that God is at work even when we can’t see proof of it? It’s a bold declaration but it’s in your power to make it. Declaring God’s righteousness and goodness are ways to plant our faith flags in the certainty of the One Who sits enthroned on high, in Whom there is no shadow of shifting or change. And if it’s beyond your ability to declare it right now, are you willing to have your eyes opened to see God at work in your midst? Are you willing to be made willing?
What are some of your greatest concerns right now? Have you put words to them and spoken them aloud? Have you voiced your fear and anxiety to God? Do you want to sense God’s presence in this protracted time of trial and waiting? Ask the Spirit to console you as you turn your gaze toward heaven.
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. ”
“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. ”
“… [Jesus said,] “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me over come my unbelief!” ”
A potent prayer to pray if you’ve had ENOUGH:
(written by David Fleming, SJ)
Jesus, may all that is you flow into me.
May your body and blood
be my food and drink.
May your passion and death
be my strength and life.
Jesus, with you by my side
enough has been given.
May the shelter I seek
be the shadow of your cross.
Let me not run from the love which you offer,
But hold me safe from the forces of evil.
On each of my dyings
shed your light and your love.
Keep calling to me
until that day comes when, with your saints,
I may praise you forever.